This was one of those shows where a ton of stuff was going on. Darren Doane the videographer was set up, Nods Of Ranvier were getting live photo’s shot for their cd I did the cover for. Darren Doane filmed Every Time I Die’s set for a live video which came out amazing. And Norma Jean was without a singer so the band put out three mic’s and had the crowd do the singing. I watched from the sound board because it was my show and the sound guy kept wanting to turn the power off on stage because of the mayhem, you couldn’t even see the band. I kept telling the sound guy to let it go, it was amazing and i’d pay for anything that got broken. He finally couldn’t take it anymore and pulled the plug. That was a good time.
YEAR CREATED: 2003 MATERIALS: 5 color serigraph DIMENSIONS: 20" x 31" Signed and numbered edition of 310